
I am in the process of updating this site to reflect the current scope of my work as a psychotherapist, consultant and teacher. I have been actively engaged in clinical psychology and the teaching of clinical psychology for nearly forty years. And as that number suggests, I see retirement on the horizon. For this reason, I am not taking new referrals for psychotherapy. Psychotherapy involves a commitment to an unknown length of time where both patient and therapist engage in emotionally intimate work. It is best when the relationship and all that arises can be given whatever the time the patient needs. As much as possible, I don’t want my retirement to cut that endeavor short.  

I am available for clinical consultation to professionals as well as short-term consultation to individuals, couples and families.

I offer Balint Group for case consultation and am credentialed through the American Balint Society to supervise the training for people who seek to be Credentialed Leaders of Balint Group.

I also love to participate in learning processes involving the study of development, creativity and psychoanalytic investigations.  Currently I teach through Center for Object Relations and The Seattle School for Theology and Psychology, as well as the American Balint Association.  In the past I have taught at Antioch University Seattle and the Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study.  

My office is located in Northeast Seattle.